Albert Einstein: South America, 1925 expands upon research Rosenkranz completed for CPAE Volume 14, in which the diary was first published. On Foreword Reviews Meg Nola describes Rosenkranz's "faceted glimpse of Einstein" as "intimate and captivating." Rosenkranz's current book follows his 2018 work which covered another of Einstein's voyages, The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein: The Far East, Palestine, and Spain, 1922–1923.
The latest book, pictured at left, "features stunning facsimiles of the diary's pages accompanied by an English translation, an extensive historical introduction, numerous illustrations, and editorial annotations. Supplementary materials include letters, postcards, statements, and speeches as well as a chronology, a bibliography, and an index." Discover more about the book on the Princeton University Press website.
CPAE: Volume 16 on The Digital Einstein Papers website
In case you missed it, as of November 2022, The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 16: The Berlin Years is available to read on our open access site, The Digital Einstein Papers. Volume 16 and the supplemental translation appear on The Digital Einstein Papers site alongside our prior fifteen volumes, and English translations, beginning with Volume 1 The Early Years, 1879 – 1902. A collaboration between Princeton University Press, The Albert Einstein Archives at Hebrew University, and The Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology, the website was launched in 2014 and currently hosts and makes available close to 20,000 pages and more than 8,000 unique documents from Albert Einstein's written records. New materials are added online roughly 18 months after publication of the print edition.