For all of the scholarly influences that have defined Princeton University Press over its 111-year history, no single personality has shaped the Press's identity as powerfully, both directly and indirectly, as Albert Einstein. The 2015 centenary of the publication of Einstein's "Theory of General Relativity" as well as the affirmation this past February and again in June of the discovery of gravitational waves has encouraged us to reflect on this legacy and how it has informed our identity as a publisher.
The bright light cast by Einstein the scientist and by Einstein the humanist has shaped Princeton University Press in profound and far-reaching ways. It expresses itself in the Press's standard of scholarly excellence, its emphasis on the breadth and connectedness of liberal learning across all fields, and in our mission of framing scholarly arguments to shape contemporary knowledge. All the while, Einstein's role as a citizen of the world inspires our vision to be a truly global university press. [Read More]